It's Time to De-Stress - It's the Secret Way
to Get More Done
Hey, congratulations!
You are the winner of Suzanne Falter’s Extremely Busy Women Selfie-Contest, and I am delighted to offer a gift in her Favorites Self-Care Bundle.
It is a highly discounted, private, one-on-one hypnosis session just for you. This particular gift is designed to help you get exactly what you want, and that begins with de-stressing, relaxing, slowing down, and feeling really, really comfortable and relaxed.
Whatever it is that you want, e.g., to create a more successful business, to lose weight, to create better relationships, generate robust health, etc., it all begins with unwinding and de-stressing, so with this session we can work on whatever it is that you want to manifest, and we begin that with de-stressing.
I have a question for you:
Have you ever said you want something, yet every time you think about it or try to take action on it, you experience resistance?
I get it. I really do. I used to experience that fairly often.
Resistance. It comes in many forms and we’ve all felt it. Maybe it comes up when you sit in front of a blank computer screen knowing you have to create something fantastic right this very moment, but rather than feeling motivated, you feel anxiety and wonder if you’ll be able to make it good enough. Maybe you feel it when you know you have to get up early tomorrow morning and each time you glance at the clock you say to yourself, “If I fall asleep right now, I’ll get X hours of sleep. Or maybe it’s thinking about interviews you have coming up, or speeches you want to give…
Do you ever feel:
- Like there is never enough time?
- Like you have way too much to do?
- You’re not good enough, creative enough, funny enough, relaxed enough, skinny enough, confident enough, powerful enough?
It doesn’t really matter what causes the resistance. The feelings you have inside are not helping you to get what you want and are in fact, causing it NOT to happen.
This is a bad plan and a bad idea, but what do you do?
It's time to
de-stress . . . now
What would it be like if you could:
- Get into Flow State immediately when you want to
- Stay out of overwhelm
- Feel productive
- Remove blocks to your amazing creativity
- Access your inner brilliance right now
- Market yourself and your work with joy
- Have more confidence
- Be amazing in front of any camera
- Remember your key messages easily and quickly
- Learn new things and learn them quickly
- Think clearly
- Have total recall
- Live stress free
- Relax and trust your unconscious mind…
- Easily lose weight and make it fun??!
- Fall asleep fast
As a publicist and media trainer, most people come to me for help in their businesses, usually through promoting a book or other products or services through exposure in the media. When I discovered for myself the power of NLP (Neuro-Linguisic Programming) and hypnosis, it was like discovering a secret combination for myself and every client I worked with. I trained with the best in the business (the co-founder of NLP) and I am proud to say I am a certified Master Trainer by the Society of NLP and a Consulting Hypnotist by the National Guide of Hypnotists.
The key to de-stressing and getting what you want in life is lining up your conscious desires, what you want, with your unconscious resources.
Resistance is what you feel when they aren’t lined up and no amount of will power is going to make it happen. That’s when we fight with ourselves, and when you do that, you’re going to lose. When your conscious and unconscious minds are lined up, you will have more energy and power than you can even imagine. That’s how to get what you want and make things happen. When you line them up, which is what hypnosis can do for you, then do that, you have everything you need.
Does It Work?

Ready to Get More Done?
The session begins with a conversation and an intake session about what it is that you want to create. I get to know you a bit so that I understand what it is you want, and help you to help yourself. You see, it’s really you making the changes. I am guiding you through the process.
If you’re ready to make that change, I invite you to join me for your very own, private, one-on-one session. Let’s see what magic we can create in your life. And because you are the winner of Suzanne Falter’s Extremely Busy Women Selfie-Contest, you get a 33% discount. Please click on the reduced price below and let’s make your wish come true.
Learn the secret!
About Joanne McCall
Joanne McCall has been a media insider, trainer, and publicist for over two decades helping hundreds of entrepreneurs and authors to become media darlings. That, along with her interest in optimized human performance, came together when she discovered that certain simple, yet powerful techniques made all the difference for her clients who wanted more –more attention, more visibility, more media, more money, more access to their own inner creativity, more peace and more joy. Whether their blocks pertained to a fear of speaking before an audience in a large room, on television or live stream, or to a feeling of overwhelm when looking at all the items on a “to do” list, or to wrestling with the resistance that pops up when something important needs to get done, it was cleared using simple, appropriate NLP techniques and a little hypnosis. McCall’s clients all have a special message to get out into the world, and these simple changes made a profound difference allowing them to shine as they tap into more of their true, relaxed, and passionate selves. But it isn’t only for their work in the world that people call on McCall; some want to experience better sleep, less stress, have more confidence and learn new things quickly and easily. Joanne helps them to embrace their own greatness.