We all know there are many channels available for talking about your book and your expertise, including your website, blog, social media channels, etc., but your own email list is like liquid gold.
An email list allows you to communicate directly with your readers without relying on third-party platforms or social media algorithms. It ensures that important announcements, book releases, or updates reach your community’s inbox. Direct communication is your best friend because it allows you to build and nurture relationships by using a more personal and intimate approach.
Whether you already regularly communicate with those on your email list, or you’re just contemplating starting one, here is what you can offer through your list.
Exclusive Content: Authors can share exclusive content and behind-the-scenes insights with their subscribers. For example, any new content I create is seen by my Savvy Sunday community (you, if you are a subscriber; if you’re not, see below) before anyone else sees it, including blog readers, friends on social media, even before it goes into my programs. Because people took the time and interest to opt in, they get the first look at any new material.
Book Launches and Promotions: When it comes time for you to launch a new book, your email list becomes a powerful tool for promotion. Authors can notify their subscribers about upcoming releases, pre-orders, and limited-time promotions, increasing the chances of higher sales and book rankings.
Reader Engagement and Feedback: Authors can use emails to ask for reader feedback, opinions, and suggestions. This feedback is invaluable for improving future works and understanding readers’ preferences. I often like to ask people in the Savvy Sunday community to share with me any questions they have concerning book marketing and publicity. Those questions often become my Savvy Sunday topics.
Author Branding: An email list allows authors to establish their brand and author persona. Consistent communication helps readers recognize and connect with the author’s voice and style.
Staying Relevant and Memorable: Regular emails keep authors relevant and memorable in their subscribers’ minds. When readers receive useful and interesting content, they are more likely to engage with your work and anticipate future releases. Consistency is everything. You don’t have to send out an email every day, or even every week. You could send one once a month, but be sure and do it every month to establish consistency.
Drive Traffic to Author’s Website or Blog: Email newsletters can contain links to the author’s website, blog, or social media platforms, driving traffic and increasing engagement across various channels. It’s also a great place to share your media coverage with others!
Sell Backlist Titles: Authors can use email marketing to promote their older books (backlist titles) to new subscribers who might not be aware of their entire catalog.
Beta Readers and ARC Reviews: Authors can recruit beta readers or offer Advance Review Copies (ARCs) to their email subscribers, helping to generate early reviews and buzz around new releases.
Author Events and Appearances: When an author is participating in events, book signings, or other appearances, an email list allows them to inform local readers and encourage attendance.
Data and Analytics: Email marketing platforms provide valuable data and analytics, such as open rates and click-through rates, helping authors gauge the effectiveness of their campaigns and content.
Bottom line
Building and maintaining an email list requires time and effort, but the benefits dramatically outweigh the effort involved. Direct connection and the long-term reader loyalty around your expertise and message make it a valuable asset for any author.
To your success!
P.S. This is the final call to join me for The Publicity Master Course through the Nonfiction Authors Association. Not only will we get to hang out live once a week (It will also be recorded in case you can’t join live), but you will meet other remarkable authors doing exactly what you’re doing. There is amazing power in numbers. I’ll also be sharing my latest findings on working with influencers and other media pros. Join me here.
If you’d like to receive juicy publicity secrets directly on a regular basis, join the Savvy Sunday Community at the bottom of this page.