Savvy Blog

Print interview reporters

15 Tips Before Any Media Interview

I do a lot of media training for authors that consists of several different elements, all aimed with the intention of influencing the audience to want to listen to you and ultimately to buy your

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Media Studio Control Room

Who Is The Media?

There have been many disruptions and transitions over the last 15-20 years with regard to media. The Internet, digital media, and social media have had a huge impact, and the very definition of media has

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Microphone at Interview

Key Tips On Interviews

It happened again this week. The morning shows of top-tier national media outlets, specifically CBS This Morning, were still learning how to interact with one another during live broadcasts from their own in-home studios. As

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Home office

Work-At-Home Hacks

I work with a lot of authors, business owners, writers, editors, agents, and many people in the publishing industry. A significant number of them work from home and have been doing so for years, although

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How to Not Suck on Camera

First, if the Coronavirus and Covid-19 have touched you, your family or friends directly, then you have my deepest concern and warm thoughts. If you’re looking for emotional support, you might want to check this

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Be Smart & Creative with Book Publicity

Covid-19, the illness created by the Coronavirus is dominating the news cycle and people’s minds these days, and with good reason. We are in the midst of a pandemic and we don’t yet know how

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