#Coronavirus Take Two – Strange Times

Woman Pondering Near Water

Well, well, well…what a difference a week can make. You don’t need me to tell you we are in the midst of a crisis and a great deal of uncertainty. If you’re like me, you’re hearing from every expert and company you’ve ever done business with about what they’re doing to keep you safe.

Last week I shared some tips on what authors can do regarding their publicity and marketing right now. That’s here if you didn’t see it and you’re interested.

This week, I thought I’d simply share some helpful news that maybe you’ll be inspired by as well. For example, I saw this interview last Thursday with Doris Kearns Goodwin on CBS This Morning, in which she shares what we can learn from past pandemics. I found this interview to be quite comforting. I hope you do, too.

I also found this which I shared on social media and thought I’d include the link here as well. It features 5 historical figures who were very productive and creative while under quarantine. This is not the world’s first pandemic, but it is for us, so it seems brand new. It does make you wonder though: What is each one of us really capable of doing or creating? Perhaps by staying home we will make some new discoveries about ourselves and those living with us.

I remember some advice my dad gave me when I was a kid as some crisis threatened to completely overwhelm me. I can’t remember exactly what it was at the time (A boyfriend decided to go out with someone else, perhaps, or something equally as devastating at 16 years of age.) And he said, “Joanne…You can feel bad about this for a little while. You can cry and whine and feel really, really bad, but then you have to dust yourself off and get busy figuring out what you are going to do about it.”

He’s right, of course. It’s amazing how truly brilliant your parents become as you get older.

We can’t control this virus — Well, we can to some extent by washing our hands, staying home, and all the other tips the CDC suggests, but we can’t control that it is now here, that it is spreading, it’s changing all of our lives, and we can’t control how others react to it.

However, we CAN control our own responses to it, both emotionally and physically. We can continue to take all the steps necessary to be safe and to keep our families and pets safe. We can control how much time we spend watching the news or scrolling through our social media feeds. We can take some time to reflect on the things that are important to us. We can play with our kids, study, learn, create, sing, dance, make music, cook, clean, write our next book.

Everywhere you turn people are helping others, whether it’s the amazing first responders, nurses, doctors, and scientists on the front lines, or those working in grocery stores, truckers, farmers, food service workers and others who can’t stay home. The list goes on and on.

And through it all, experts are still needed in the media. If you are an expert and if you can tie into this story in some way, you are needed. Or maybe you have a powerful story to share via video. You too could be a part of NBC’s Inspiring America.

Rabbi Daniel Cohen, who wrote the book, What Will They Say About You When You’re Gone has been getting some coverage. Here he is on WNBC in New York with a wonderful, feel-good story. You don’t have to be Jewish to join his group on What’s App called Making Mitzvah Moments. I only just recently learned what a mitzvah is, and I’m in!

Look, I’m not going to sugar coat it here. We are in the midst of a serious situation. It’s appropriate to get scared at times. It’s also never been more important to watch your thoughts and make sure you’re not making things worse through the power of your own mind. Find other ways to feel good, whether that’s meditation or exercise or both. Work on your book or your business. Play with your spouse and kids if you have them. Pet your cat or dog. Be kind to others, and yourself.

There’s a phrase we’re hearing a lot lately, and that is, “We’re in this together.” And that, my friend, is true. We will get through this one day at a time.

Sending you thoughts of warmth, safety, and peace. We will endure and we will be better for it.

To your success,


PS: If you have a story to tell, or you’re an expert with information to share, contact me. We may find a place for you.








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