Book Marketing and Publicity for the Month of September

a stand of trees

Are we really barreling toward September, already? Where did the summer go?!


It happens every year. Summer flies by and we’re suddenly facing another fall. For me, personally, I love basking in the summer sunshine by playing in the garden and swimming in a cool pool of water, but I also enjoy the change of seasons…cooler temperatures, the bright colors on the trees, pulling out the cozy sweaters, enjoying the fall fashions that come into play, and enjoying a brand new book season…Fall is a big time for books. The biggest, actually.


As I’m fond of doing every month, let’s take a look at some of the events and special days that you might be able to tie your book into during the month of September, beginning with the following:


The month of September is…


  • Healthy Aging Month
  • Happy Cat Month (Cats outnumber dogs as domestic companions by 13 million, yet they are half as likely to visit a veterinarian. Get kitty checked over this month!)
  • Intergeneration Month (Come on, people. Let’s work together. 4 generations are in the workplace currently. What can we learn from one another?)
  • International Women’s Friendship Month
  • Childhood Obesity Awareness Month
  • National Honey Month  (Honey as in honey bees, not your partner, although that’s important, too)
  • National Recovery Month (This is focused on alcohol and drugs, but you could put anything in this bucket…Recovery from too much TV watching, video games, overeating, whatever!)
  • Skin Care Awareness Month (Use sunscreen!)


Special days in September, include:


9/1 — Bring your manners to work day (This should be everyday, but…)

9/6 — Read a book day (This is every day for most of us.)

9/13 — Positive Thinking Day

9/15 — International Eat an Apple Day

9/21 — International Day of Peace

9/21 — World Gratitude Day

9/21 — Concussion Awareness Day

9/23 — Restless Legs Awareness Day (Most people with Restless Leg are aware of it…)

9/29 — World Heart Day

9/30 — International Podcast Day


There are many other special days during the month of September that you could use to tie your book into and generate renewed interest by making it newsworthy. There are a number of different resources for discovering these special months, weeks and day, including Chase’s Calendar of Events and Days to Remember. Tying your book into a special celebration can give you that extra hook you need to get media interested.


These special dates can help you with your own content generation too. They can be a topic for your blog, podcast, newsletter, or whatever forms of communication you use to speak with your audience. What are the main topics of your book, and what day, week or month focuses on them? There’s a great beginning for you.


To your success!



P.S. Last week’s Savvy Sunday News featured readers and what a special breed we are. I pointed out some of the things we have in common and invited additional suggestions. A few people took me up on it, including Laura Handke, Lake Oswego’s Transformational Voice Teacher who adds:


“Wonderful article, Joanne!

I would add: 1) If you’re going to the bathroom for more than a minute, you bring a book with you. 2) You can’t go on a road trip (when you’re not the one driving) without bringing reading material.”


So true!


P.P.S. If you know someone who could benefit from receiving our weekly Savvy Sunday News, share it with them, OK? You can forward this email and suggest they click here.


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