The publishing industry has changed a lot in recent years. With the advent of social media, anyone can be an author. You don’t need a traditional publisher to validate you or your work. However, there are still certain standards that need to be met in order to produce quality work. Whether you have a traditional publisher or you’re self published, it takes more than just writing a book to be a successful author. You need to have a platform, which is why developing a contributor mindset is essential for an aspiring writer.
What is a Contributor Mindset?
A contributor mindset is the belief that your success is not determined by what you take, but by what you give. It is the mindset that you need to put others first in order to succeed. When you have a contributor mindset, you’re always looking for ways to help others, whether it’s through your writing or in your personal life.
And while I run the risk of sounding like I’m blowing my own horn, it is the reason I created Savvy Sunday News all those years ago. The idea is to help authors to publicize and market their books, along with tips and suggestions for looking good while doing it (media training). The strategies, tips, and suggestions are for anyone who signs up for it (it’s free), whether or not they work with me in the future.
The contributor mindset is the belief that your success is not only dependent on your own efforts, but also on the success of others. It is the realization that we are all interconnected and that our collective success is greater than our individual success.
When you have a contributor mindset, you are open to receiving help and advice from others too. You realize that no one has all the answers, and that we can all learn from each other. You are also more likely to be generous with your own time and expertise, because you know that by helping others, you are also helping yourself.
How do you develop a contributor mindset?
The first step to developing a contributor mindset is identifying your niche. If you’ve written a book, you most likely know what that is. If you’re new to this process, then the question is, what are you passionate about? What do you have to offer that no one else does? Once you’ve answered these questions, start reaching out to other people in your field and look for ways to collaborate. For example, if you’re a business coach, offer to guest blog on someone else’s website or write an article for their newsletter. Whatever you do, make sure it’s focused on helping others and not just on promoting yourself.
Have something unique to offer.
In order for your work to stand out in the sea of voices that are competing for attention online, you must be unique. A contributor mindset will help you develop relationships with other authors and thought leaders in your field. These relationships are important because they give you access to new audiences and help you grow your platform.
Be open to feedback.
If you want to grow and improve as an author and contributor, it’s important to be open to feedback–even if it’s not always positive. When someone offers constructive criticism, don’t take it personally. Thank them for their input and use it to make your work even better.
Seek out mentors and role models.
One of the best ways to learn is by observing those who have already achieved what you want to achieve. Find mentors and role models who can teach you what they know and help you avoid making mistakes along the way.
Pay it forward.
Once you’ve been in the business a while and have developed your own skills and expertise, don’t forget to pay it forward by helping other authors who are just starting out. You can do this by offering feedback, sharing resources, or simply being a sounding board for new ideas.
Here are some benefits to developing a contributor mindset
A contributor mindset leads to better writing.
When you’re focused on giving value to your readers, you’re more likely to produce high-quality content that will actually be helpful to them. On the other hand, if you’re just trying to get something for yourself (like sign ups for a program or other offering), you’re more likely to fall into the “how do I sell this” mode, which often means the content will not be of your highest value. This isn’t to say that you don’t make an offer. You do. After all, offers help people too, but it’s about ratio, and keeping more focused on the high-quality content before sales. When you master this, people show up. Trust me. They just do.
A contributor mindset builds a loyal following.
If you’re constantly putting out helpful content, your readers will start to appreciate and respect you. They’ll be more likely to come back for more, and they’ll also be more likely to spread the word about your work to their friends and followers.
A contributor mindset attracts opportunities.
The more helpful and generous you are with your information, the more opportunities will come your way. People will want to collaborate with you, interview you, and generally help you further your career.
Bottom line
If you’re looking forways to take your career to the next level, develop a contributor mindset and start giving value to others. This is the best way to attract an audience throughout your career as an author–and it will help you achieve greater success than you ever thought possible.
#Contributor Mindset
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