Sound Bite: Believing in yourself is not very expensive. It’s free!
I got a note out of the blue a couple of months ago inviting me to be a guest on a web series called The Happy, Healthy and Hot Web Series, hosted by Sarah Chippenfield. –Happy, Healthy, and Hot? I didn’t really think this was the kind of series for me, but I decided to keep an open mind and at least listen.
I didn’t know Sarah, and I hadn’t heard of this web series, but I have to say there was something about her invitation that ignited my curiosity. Maybe it was her enthusiasm and her sense of fun and adventure; Whatever it was, I decided I was in.
You know what it’s like when you meet someone for the first time and you just click?
Well that’s what this was like.
I’m a believer in listening to your intuition when it comes to business decisions. Yes, I can be as analytical as the next person when need be, and it’s important to make decisions that are well thought out and based on data, but sometimes it’s important to explore an opportunity and then just go for it.
The result?
It was an inspiring conversation about confidence and believing in yourself.
Of course, confidence must be matched with competence. As I pointed out in the interview, you don’t want a surgeon who is confident but not competent. They go together.
The same applies to any author, speaker, business owner, influencer. You have to really know your stuff; you are the content creator, after all. And then you need confidence to go out into the world and have your say. You have to have both.
Sarah interviewed 21 experts for this series and it’s excellent. She had never done anything like this before, and just decided to do it! Sometimes we all have to do that. Just step up to the plate and go for it without worrying about all the reason why now might not be the time.
Today is the last day of her summit, and then all interviews will be available for 72 hours. Pick the topics you’re most interested in and give them a listen.
The main point of my interview with Sarah is that believing in yourself is free! It doesn’t take a coach or mastermind at $5000 or $25,000. However, you have to be competent too, so you need to make sure you know your key messages, how to deliver them in the best, most effective way possible, and you have to be the real deal. Then, confidence is magic!
Who knows? You might want to do your own web series one day and this may give you some great ideas.
Thank you, Sarah, for taking the time to reach out, and for this wonderful opportunity. I had a blast!
To your success!
P.S. Let’s connect socially, if we haven’t already. Or if you have comments on the interview, you can reach me at