Over the week every now and then my mind went to an interview I landed with USA Today, only it hasn’t published yet. It really points to what publicity is all about, namely tenacity.
I got an interview with one of their correspondents covering a big story, in which my client was to be the expert “voice of reason.” The interview was set up on March 10th, and I haven’t seen a story yet, so I started getting a bit nervous.
I reached out with an email, during which I made a comment about his most recent story, and I kept the tone really light and breezy…nothing like, “Where the heck is that story?!” It turns out the interview is still going to be used, he just isn’t sure of the date yet.
Bottom line: Sometimes things take longer than we think they should. Don’t be afraid to check in and follow up. Always keep the tone friendly and easy. Approach media like they’re peers. They are.
Nice to answer to a nagging question…! Let me know what you’re up to.
Warmly, Joanne
P.S. I picked an image from my garden to lead today’s post. Nature is tenacious, that’s for sure.