For authors, branding isn’t just about having a catchy logo or tagline – it’s about establishing a clear and memorable identity that sets you apart in a crowded market, and it is a very crowded marketplace as you well know. This takes some thought and it isn’t always easy to do.
But before we get into that, what is branding exactly? You may have some ideas, but let’s take a little time to break this down.
Branding is simply the process of creating a unique name, image, or symbol that identifies and distinguishes you and your books from all the competitors out there. Now, I don’t particularly like the word competitors preferring niche mates instead, because often those so-called competitors share your audience and you can actually help one another, but that’s another topic for another day.
You must develop a consistent message and visual identity that instantly communicates your values and personality, as well as the benefits of your message to potential readers. The ultimate goal is to create a strong and recognizable reputation that inspires trust and loyalty among your target audience. In other words, you want readers to know you, like you, and follow you. This helps you stand out in a crowded marketplace, build reader recognition and loyalty, and ultimately drive book sales.
You know that branding helps you to set yourself apart from other authors and helps you to create a connection with readers. To that end there are a variety of branding elements to consider, such as:
- Your name: Your author name is a crucial part of your brand as an author. It should be memorable and easy to find. If you have a common name, consider using a middle name or initial or something that sets you apart.
- Author logo: A logo can help create visual recognition for your brand. This could be a simple design that incorporates your name or a symbol that represents your writing.
- Writing style: Your writing style is a key component of your brand. It should be consistent and unique to you.
- The genre you write in is another important aspect of your brand. Readers should know what to expect from your writing based on the genre you specialize in.
- Online presence: Your website, social media accounts, and other online profiles should all reflect your brand. They should be consistent in tone and style, and use similar branding elements like your logo and color scheme.
I can’t stress this enough. Many times I start working with an author who is using different variations of their name, including initials, nicknames, middle name sometimes, no middle name other times – and that’s just regarding their name! Or I find they use different profile pictures on various platforms and this simply causes confusion. Remember, a confused mind never buys. Consistency is everything.
In addition to standing out in a crowded market, here are some more reasons why authors should brand themselves:
- Build trust with readers: A strong brand can help you build trust with readers. If they know what to expect from your writing, they are more likely to become loyal fans.
- Increase your visibility: When you have a strong brand, it can help increase your visibility both online and offline. This can lead to more book sales, speaking engagements, and other opportunities. Book marketing and publicity for your book helps to increase your visibility greatly.
- Create a lasting impression: A well-defined brand can create a lasting impression on readers, making it more likely that they will remember you and your books.
Branding isn’t something that “would be nice.” Branding is essential in the world we live in. It’s a noisy place, as I don’t have to tell you. It is up to you to make it easy for your readers to find you. If someone searches your name, book title, or genre, you want to be sure you come up. That takes some visibility and there’s no way of getting around it.
But most of all, keep this in mind. Branding can be fun! Rather than looking at it as another big chore to find time for, look at it as an adventure. A successful branding strategy often involves creating a unique and engaging brand personality that resonates with your target audience – and with you! This means incorporating elements of fun and humor into your brand messaging and visual identity, where appropriate.
Bottom line
We live in a world of brands. From toothpaste to airlines and fast food to clothing. You are a brand too. Take some time to consider what will allow you to stand out from the crowd and help your readers to find you.
To your success!
P.S. Who are you?
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