Ever since I figured out I do my best creative thinking and writing when I first get up in the morning, I have been an early riser. Of course, early means different things to different people. I read one woman’s tweet who said she got up at 2:30 a.m. to go to the gym first thing of the day.
That’s too early for me.
I find my body naturally wakes up around 5:30 or 6:00 a.m., so when I was to speak at an early morning breakfast meeting of the Women’s Center for Leadership, I had to set the alarm for 4:30 a.m. It’s amazing how important that last hour of sleep is, but I was willing to sacrifice it in order to be there.
And am I glad I did. Look at this group!
Can you imagine speaking to such smiling faces? They made it really, really easy to be there. I met such wonderful people too.
The presentation was called “The Top Media No No’s that will Mark you as an Amateur Forever….and What to do Instead,” and it’s geared toward business owners, consultants, coaches, speakers and authors, in addition to managers, executives, and CEOs within larger companies because the truth is it is a multimedia world and we all have to be multimedia now.
That’s not something everyone wants to hear.
Some people deny it and ignore it.
Others are a bit paralyzed by it because they don’t know what to do.
And some are ready to embrace it. And that’s where I believe we all need to be.
After all, how many meetings are scheduled now via webinar, Skype (including mobile), and various other online platforms?
If you haven’t had to do this yet, you will.
So then the issue becomes how you present yourself. You see, these platforms are different than presenting in front of a live group. Even though you know they’re there, you still facing a camera, and the skill set is different.
In addition, you are a professional in what you do, and you want to come across as the professional that you are. You don’t want to look like an amateur who is uncomfortable and ill at ease with technology. Mom was right: First impressions matter!
Training that will help you be more successful in your business and in life is always a good decision to get and implement. It doesn’t have to be some big expensive media or video training package, but you do need to have someone who can identify what needs work and can help you achieve positive results. The trainer needs to be a combination of a cheerleader with an honest ability to assess how you’re doing throughout the process. What you don’t want is someone who is only a cheerleader, and there are plenty of them out there. You need someone who will honestly tell you when you’re ready, and what you might need to continue working on.
Looking good on various online platforms is something that is attainable and is desirable. After all, it’s your credibility at stake. You want to come out of the gate strong and ready to go. This isn’t about age, or any other demographic. It’s about being congruent in your message and how you deliver it. It’s about being positive, strong, and being the professional that you are.
It’s time to embrace the multimedia world we live in and find all the amazing opportunities that it presents. So much better than trying to ignore it or avoid it.