How to Put Together a Media Kit/Online Media Room

online press kit graphic

When it comes to putting together an online press kit, there is no “one way is the right way.”  However, these suggestions will have you looking like the pro you are.

First you need a press release for your book/product/event/cause.

Tips on Writing a News Release:

  • For Immediate Release
  • Contact:  Your name, number and email
  • Headline
  • Sub headline
  • Keep it to one page if possible, and double-spaced
  • Focus on the benefit of your product, service, book, or event
  • If it’s an event, the “who”, “what”, “where”, “when”, and “why” needs to be in the first paragraph.
  • Avoid making judgments about your own product unless you’re quoting someone.  Saying your product is “the best thing out there” will get it tossed, or you may hear, “Take out an ad.”
  • Use quotes from the expert, creator of the product, CEO of the company, to make it more interesting and more like a news story
  • # # #

News releases fall into two categories: News or topical. News is pretty obvious. For topical your lead is your “hook”.

Bio: Make it interesting.  In fact, I encourage you to think about how you would like to be introduced by Jimmy Fallon, Ellen, or Terry Gross. Write your bio like an introduction.  Make it human.  Include tidbits about yourself.  What incidents or experiences led you to create this product or become involved in this cause?  People like to read about people. Also have a longer, full page bio that lists your accomplishments and credentials and why you are the one to have written this book (or created this product or event.).

Photos: Have a great black & white and color photo of yourself. Have a high resolution version for magazines, and a low resolution for websites and just about anything else. If you don’t have any yet, make an appointment for a photo session. Be sure they look professional and that you love them. Consider buying the photo so that you own it.

Quote sheet and testimonials:  Testimonials are from regular folks who love you and your book product, or organization. Endorsements are from credible professionals within your industry. A quote sheet is a list of positive remarks media folks have said about you and your book. This often generates interest from other media because of social proof.

Links from other publications that have reviewed your book, product, or done a story on you. Links or embedded video of any interviews you’ve done. Links to audio interviews you’ve done. Have clips of video and podcasts you’ve created yourself. Put the logos on your homepage and your media or press page.

Backgrounder:  This tells the backstory of you, your organization, or your product or service. It’s an excellent way to introduce yourself to media before you ever ask them to do a story. It could be in the form of a FAQ page.

Fact sheet:  Lists basic facts about your product.  For a book, it would include the title, author, and publisher, number of pages, size, ISBN number, publication date, binding, and price.  Where to get it and who distributes it. This is listed at the bottom of your press release.

List of Interview Questions:  Include a list of 10-15 suggested interview questions. This is a great way to have some control over the interview. Consider including the answers so that some media can easily do a copy and paste for their publication or website.

Interview topics: This is a list of different subjects or angles that you can speak to. You might pitch a particular story only to find the producer passes on that one, but decides to take you up on another topic that is on your list.

As I said at the beginning of this post, you can design your newsroom or media room however you want to, but using these suggestions will have you looking like the pro that you are.To your Success!


P.S. I have the pleasure of working with some wonderful authors. Each of them has a good online presence.

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