I hope you’re enjoying some family time over the long, hot days of summer. I hate to mention that fall is just around the corner, but as a savvy pro, you know the importance of looking ahead and planning to take advantage of natural opportunities that the calendar offers. Now is a really good time to get your business in order for the latter part of the year.
Unfortunately, all too often, people contact me in November and December regarding a plan to take advantage of the holiday season. The time to get ready for that….is now.
You see, there is one key question that media is going to ask whenever they hear from you. They won’t say it directly to you. No, in fact, you want to address it (and answer it) before they even ask it, or simply dismiss you. More on that all important question in this video.
Now and then you’ll run across an opportunity that only needs evergreen ideas and content and even then, you’ll still have to answer, “Why you?”
Once you can answer these questions for different times of the year, for cultural concerns, and for tying into breaking news, the opportunities for your exposure and coverage will blossom. And that is when it really becomes fun!
For more on being media savvy, if you haven’t already done so, be sure and take the How Media Savvy Are You? Assessment to discover how you can secure the kind of media attention you want.
You’ll then have the option to sign up for a complimentary session with me during which we can discuss your next steps. I’m happy to share what I know that may be helpful to you.
Topic ideas for videos or blog posts are always welcome. What is on your mind? What are your concerns? What are your questions? Send me an email at joanne@joannemccall.net. I’d love to hear from you.
To your success,